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All new employees will be in a New Hire Probationary Period for the first six (6) continuous months of active employment. Probationary employees are at-will employees and may be terminated from employment without a statement or reason at any time within the Probationary Period. An extension to the Probationary Period may be extended by A&A Power Generators, LLC at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the New Hire Probationary Period. Any absences during the probationary period shall proportionately extend the probationary period. This includes any vacation or sick leave taken, as paid or unpaid leave during the probationary period, which will be counted as one additional day extending the probation period.

I certify that I possess the experience, education and/or licenses required for the job for which I am applying. I also certify that all statements, information and documents provided with this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith. I understand that omissions, misleading, false or untrue information, or any attempt at fraud or deceit in any manner connected with this application and subsequent testing may result in my NOT being considered for jobs with A&A POWER GENERATORS,LLC OR DEDICATED POWER AND may constitute grounds for discipline and/or termination after hire; and/or may constitute grounds for further actions pursuant to law. If requested, I can and will supply documentation that will confirm that the entries made on this application are true, complete and correct.